4 Reasons Why a New Metal Roof Is a Good Long-Term Investment for Your Home

If you're looking for a new roof and you're on a budget, a metal roof may seem too pricey. However, few roofing materials can benefit your home more than metal.

Metal roofing is a long-term investment that makes your home more energy efficient, valuable, and less prone to damage from inclement weather. You can think of metal shingles as an 'invest now, reap the benefits later' kind of deal.

Here are 4 reasons why you should strongly consider a metal roof for your home.

1. Save on energy over time

Metal roofs are highly energy efficient. They're less likely to leak warm air from the home during winter — or cold air during summer. Metal shingles act as excellent insulators that make your HVAC system more efficient. In this way, you can save on energy costs in the home over time. Remember that almost 50% of your energy consumption goes to heating/cooling the home. A metal roof does make a significant difference when it comes to saving on energy costs.

Metal roofs are also easy to equip with solar panels. Adding solar panels can make your home more energy independent.

2. Increase the value of your home

If you're thinking of selling your home down the road, metal roofs can significantly drive up the value of your property. This happens in two ways. First off, metal roofs add to the functionality of your home (in terms of saving money and making the home more durable). Secondly, metal roofs add to the aesthetic appeal of your home. There are numerous colours to choose from, and metal shingles also come in many creative shapes and sizes. You can essentially customise your home to boost its kerb appeal.  

3. Save on maintenance costs

A metal roof will require minimal maintenance over the years. Once installed, the roof is durable and less prone to leaks or physical wear and tear. Roofing repairs can be quite costly, especially if they arise at a time when you're on a budget.

4. Protection against wildfires

If you live in an area where the risk of wildfires, tornadoes or heavy rain is significant, a metal roof will give you the protection necessary against such inclement weather. Metal shingles are not easily blown off the roofs of houses or damaged by wildfires. Therefore, you will be investing in the safety of your family and your property by purchasing a metal roof.
