Two signs that your metal roof needs to be replaced

There are a number of issues that can indicate that it might be time to have one of the metal roofing contractors in your town or city to replace your metal roof. Here are just a few major indicators to watch for.

There are several deep indentations in it

Whilst small indentations in your metal roof might not look very nice, they won't have much of an impact on the functionality of this part of your home. However, if your roof has several deep indentations (as a result of, for example, being hit by airborne storm debris), then it may be best to get it replaced by a roofer. The reason for this is as follows; if an indentation in a metal roof is quite deep, any rainwater that lands in this area of the roof may pool and remain on the surface of the roof for several days.

If the roof's protective outer paint has cracked in this indented area (which often happens when a roof is hit hard enough for a dent to form) and the metal underneath is made from iron or an iron alloy, this pooled water may cause this iron to rust. Once rust sets in, it will usually spread and destroy the rest of the roof within a year or so. As such, the presence of multiple indentations in your roof may be a sign that it is time to pay a roofer to replace it, particularly if the metal base of the roof features iron in any form.

The roof has sustained fire damage

If there was a fire in your home which took a long time for the fire-fighters to extinguish, then it may be necessary to have a roofer remove the existing metal roof and put a new one in its place. Metals roofs are often more fire-resistant than other types of roofs. However, they are not fireproof and can eventually sustain damage if subjected to high temperatures for several hours.

If your roof was exposed to flames for an extended period of time, it is very likely that the heat will have warped most, if not all of the metal panels. If this is the case, then it is crucial to get the roof replaced. If you do not, rainwater may seep in through the gaps between the distorted panels and damage the lower layers of the roof and the loft, as well as any structural components housed within this area of the property.
