Mining Engineering: Three Critical Guidelines for Improving Onsite Productivity

The mining industry has experienced significant changes over the years due to advances in engineering technology and practices. However, the efficiency of each worksite depends on the choices made regarding critical aspects such as the equipment, the workforce and general management. Therefore, if you are struggling with meeting your profit goals or would like to advance your operations, evaluate your current productivity efforts. This move will allow you to discover inefficiencies and find the best approach to improve your long-term production.

Here are some essential tips for promoting higher output through mining engineering.

Consider Automation

The most efficient approach to increasing productivity on your mining site is automating your equipment. Industrial machines have improved in recent years through the incorporation of technological features. Major manufacturers have invested in minimising the need for constant human intervention in the operation of the mining equipment. Therefore, if you are using outdated machinery, consider the benefits of upgrading to newer products with in-built remote operation capabilities. Alternatively, you can engage an experienced engineer for a retrofit. Automation will increase efficiency by increasing operational speed. Moreover, this change will reduce accidents by limiting human error.

Plan for Maintenance

Poor maintenance practices in a mining operation often lead to a steep decline in production. If the machines are not serviced regularly, the risk of failure will increase. An accident on the site could lead to prolonged downtime due to the need for extensive repairs. Moreover, inefficient scheduling of upkeep tasks could affect daily operations. You must plan for maintenance to reduce the time your machines are away from the mines. When establishing a servicing routine, evaluate the manufacturer's recommendations for the interval of each task. Consider this factor in tandem with regular operations and find the best timetable to streamline maintenance. Additionally, ensure tools, fluids, and replacement parts are always available onsite for simple repairs.

Address Safety Concerns

Finally, you must manage the safety issues on your mining site to increase long-term productivity. The occurrence of accidents will cause significant downtime due to the loss of valuable skilled labour. In addition, each incident will require an inspection and submission of reports, as well as the management of workers' compensation claims. You can minimise accidents by creating the safest environment in this dangerous industry. Establish clear management plans through routine inspection, provision of safety gear and safety protocols for responding to incidents. You can also limit the downtime associated with accidents on the site by adhering to occupational safety and health standards.  

Contact a mining engineering firm for more information.
